Catalog - SINCONA Auction 51

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of 49
Lot 2001 1
Atrebates & Regni Verica, c. 10-40

BRITANNIA. Atrebates & Regni. Verica, c. 10-40. Gold stater vine leaf type, southern mint. VI-R[I] Vine leaf. Rv. CO / F Horseman to right with spear and shield strapped over his back, leaping from platform. 5.30 g. ABC 1193. SCBC 121. Van Arsdell 520-1. Struck from somewhat worn dies. Very fine. (~€ 220/USD 255) NGC XF, Strike 3/5, Surface 4/5.

Starting price
250 CHF
325 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2002 1

GALLIA. Lemovices. Electrum stater late 2nd to early 1st century BC, à la grue et au trèfle type. Male head with curly hair to right, wearing pearl necklace and with volutes before. Rv. Bird standing right on horse walking right; below, trifoliate flower. 6.96 g. DT 3406. LT 4072. SLM 168-169. Struck from the usual worn dies. Very fine. (~€ 220/USD 255)

Starting price
250 CHF
450 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2003 1

GALLIA. Suessiones. Gold stater early 1st century BC, à l'oeil type. Devolved laureate head of Apollo to right; above, [two stars]. Rv. Celticized horse galloping to right, horseman transformed into a fibula-like figure; below, wheel and crescent. 5.94 g. DT 167. LT 8020. SLM 342. Nicely toned. Good very fine. (~€ 220/USD 255)

Starting price
250 CHF
650 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2004 1

BELGICA. Gold stater 60/50 BC. Blank bulge. Rv. Stylized horse between pellets and crescents. 6.10 g. Delestrée/Tache. Scheers 154. De la Tour 8710. SCBC 11. Extremely fine. (~€ 525/USD 605) Ex auction Künker 270, Osnabrück October 2015, lot 8010. Struck by the coalition of Gallic tribes to finance the war against Julius Caesar. Perhaps struck in Samarobriva (Amiens).

Starting price
600 CHF
600 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2005 1

BELGICA. Gold stater 60/50 BC. Blank bulge. Rv. Stylized horse between pellets and crescents. 6.29 g. Delestrée/Tache. Scheers 154. De la Tour 8710. SCBC 11. Extremely fine. (~€ 525/USD 605) Ex auction Künker 270, Osnabrück October 2015, lot 8011.

Starting price
600 CHF
600 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2006 1

BELGICA. Lot. A lot containing 13 silver, 1 bronze and 4 potin coins. All: Celtic. 64.74 g. About very fine to very fine. (18) (~€ 90/USD 100)

Starting price
100 CHF
650 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2007 1
Carthago Nova

IBERIA. Carthago Nova. Shekel 221/206 BC. Bare headed male head left (Hannibal?). Rv. Horse standing right before palm tree. Punic character 'zayin'. 5.82 g. De Navasques -. CNH 86. Robinson, Essays Mattingly 7(f). Villaronga-Benages 626. Rare. About very fine. (~€ 745/USD 860) With old coin tag from an English firm.

Starting price
850 CHF
900 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2008 1

CALABRIA. Tarentum. Stater c. 344-340 BC. Nude youth riding on horse galloping to right; below, Σ (retrograde). Rv.ΤΑΡΑΣ Youthful oikist, nude, riding dolphin to left, holding aphlaston in his right hand and resting his left on the dolphin. 4.68 g. Fischer-Bossert Group 29, 418 (V185/R319). HN III 870. Struck from slightly worn dies. About extremely fine. (~€ 700/USD 810) From an old Swiss collection, formed in the mid 20th century, acquired from Dr. H. Nussbaum in Zurich. • Dieses Los unterliegt bei Auslieferung in der Schweiz der Margenbesteuerung gemäss MWSTG 24a (22.5% Aufgeld inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer) • When delivered in Switzerland, this lot is subject to the margin taxation scheme in accordance with article 24a of the Federal Act on Value Added Tax (22.5% buyer’s premium incl. statutory VAT)

Starting price
800 CHF
1,000 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2009 1

LUCANIA. Metapontion. Didrachm or Nomos c. 440-430 BC. ΜΕΤΑ Ear of barley. Rv. Apollo, nude, standing facing, head to left, holding laurel tree in his right hand and bow in his left. 7.99 g. HN Italy 1496. Noe 314 (same obverse die). SNG ANS 277 (same obverse die). SNG Copenhagen 1185. Very rare. Darkly toned. Struck from somewhat worn dies as usual. Very fine. (~€ 875/USD 1010)

Starting price
1,000 CHF
2,600 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2010 1

LUCANIA. Metapontion. Triobol c. 470-440 BC. ΜΕΤ Ear of barley. Rv. Bull's head incuse with rayed border. 1.38 g. HN III 1487. Noe 294 (same dies). Nicely toned. Very fine. (~€ 90/USD 100) From an old Swiss collection, formed in the mid 20th century, acquired from Dr. H. Nussbaum in Zurich. • Dieses Los unterliegt bei Auslieferung in der Schweiz der Margenbesteuerung gemäss MWSTG 24a (22.5% Aufgeld inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer) • When delivered in Switzerland, this lot is subject to the margin taxation scheme in accordance with article 24a of the Federal Act on Value Added Tax (22.5% buyer’s premium incl. statutory VAT)

Starting price
100 CHF
150 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2011 1

LUCANIA. Thurium. Nomos c. 443-400 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with laurel wreath. Rv. ΘΟΥΡΙΩΜ, bull butting left, below E, in exergue fish to right. 7.88 g. SNG ANS 943 (same dies). HN Italy 1761. Nice toning. Extremely fine. (~€ 875/USD 1010) Ex Herbert & Aphrodite Rubin Collection, auction Stack's, New York September 1983, lot 21. NGC AU*, Strike 5/5, Surface 4/5.

Starting price
1,000 CHF
1,000 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2012 1
The Brettii

BRUTTIUM. The Brettii. Drachm c. 216-214 BC. Attic standard, second Punic War issue. Veiled head of Hera Lakinia to right, wearing polos; behind, scepter and fly. Rv. ΒΡΕΤΤΙΩΝ Zeus standing left, his right foot set on Ionic capital and holding scepter in his left hand; to left, eagle flying left, holding wreath in talons. 4.68 g. Arslan dies 29/43. HN III 1970. Scheu 84. Beautifully toned. The reverse a bit weak. Good very fine. (~€ 265/USD 305) From an old Swiss collection, formed in the mid 20th century, acquired from Dr. H. Nussbaum in Zurich. • Dieses Los unterliegt bei Auslieferung in der Schweiz der Margenbesteuerung gemäss MWSTG 24a (22.5% Aufgeld inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer) • When delivered in Switzerland, this lot is subject to the margin taxation scheme in accordance with article 24a of the Federal Act on Value Added Tax (22.5% buyer’s premium incl. statutory VAT)

Starting price
300 CHF
575 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2013 1
The Brettii

BRUTTIUM. The Brettii. Drachm c. 216-214 BC. Attic standard, second Punic War issue. Diademed and draped bust of Nike to right; behind, head of a horse to right. Rv. ΒΡΕΤΤΙΩΝ Dionysos standing facing, crowning himself with a wreath held in his right hand and holding scepter in his left; to right, serpent above Σ. 4.52 g. Arslan dies AR44/AR6. HN III 1961. Scheu 38. Darkly toned. Good very fine. (~€ 265/USD 305) From an old Swiss collection, formed in the mid 20th century, acquired from Dr. H. Nussbaum in Zurich for 20 Swiss Francs. • Dieses Los unterliegt bei Auslieferung in der Schweiz der Margenbesteuerung gemäss MWSTG 24a (22.5% Aufgeld inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer) • When delivered in Switzerland, this lot is subject to the margin taxation scheme in accordance with article 24a of the Federal Act on Value Added Tax (22.5% buyer’s premium incl. statutory VAT)

Starting price
300 CHF
375 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2014 1

BRUTTIUM. Kroton. Stater c. 500-480 BC. [Koppa]ΡΟ Tripod with legs ending in lion's feet; to right, heron. Rv. [Koppa]ΡΟ Same type as the obverse, but incuse. 7.89 g. HN III 2093 var. (no legend on the reverse). SNG ANS 249. Rare variety. Nicely toned. Struck from slightly worn dies. Good very fine. (~€ 875/USD 1010) From an old Swiss collection, formed in the mid 20th century, most likely acquired from Dr. H. Nussbaum in Zurich. • Dieses Los unterliegt bei Auslieferung in der Schweiz der Margenbesteuerung gemäss MWSTG 24a (22.5% Aufgeld inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer) • When delivered in Switzerland, this lot is subject to the margin taxation scheme in accordance with article 24a of the Federal Act on Value Added Tax (22.5% buyer’s premium incl. statutory VAT)

Starting price
1,000 CHF
1,000 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2015 1

BRUTTIUM. Rhegion. Tetradrachm c. 445-435 BC. Lion's mask facing. Rv. RECI-NOS Iokastos, nude to the waist and holding a staff in his right hand, seated left on a stool, all within laurel wreath. 17.14 g. Herzfelder 5 (D2/R4). HN III 2477. Randazzo 8-10. Struck from the usual corroded obverse die. Very fine. (~€ 700/USD 810) From an old Swiss collection, formed in the mid 20th century, acquired from Dr. H. Nussbaum in Zurich for 235 Swiss Francs. • Dieses Los unterliegt bei Auslieferung in der Schweiz der Margenbesteuerung gemäss MWSTG 24a (22.5% Aufgeld inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer) • When delivered in Switzerland, this lot is subject to the margin taxation scheme in accordance with article 24a of the Federal Act on Value Added Tax (22.5% buyer’s premium incl. statutory VAT)

Starting price
800 CHF
900 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2016 1

SICILY. Leontinoi. Tetradrachm shortly after 480 BC. Dies by the Demareteion Master. Slow quadriga to right, Nike crowning the standing driver who holds branch in right hand, in exergue a lion running to right Rv. ΛΕΟ - ΝΤΙΝ - Ο - Ν Head of Apollo to right wearing laurel wreath, his hair is combed over the forehead and tied in back of head, below the head, a lion running to right, three laurel leaves in field. 17.28 g. Rizzo Pl. 22, 14 (= Hirmer 19 and pl. 6 below: identical dies). Chantraine Pl. 1, 5. Ross Holloway Pl. 1, 4. Schwabacher Pl. 6 middle. SNG ANS 217. SNG München 549. Of the highest rarity. Nice old patina and fine style. Good very fine. (~€ 26315/USD 30305) Ex auction Hess/Leu 31, Lucerne December 6, 1966, and ex auction Naville-Ars Classica 15, 1930, lot 291, and ex Gutekunst Collection, auction Jacob Hirsch 1912, lot 163. C. M. Kraay, Kraay-Hirmer, Greek Coins (1966) p. 88. suggests as date of the Demareteion issues the year 466, when the tyrants were driven from Syracuse.

Starting price
30,000 CHF
34,000 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2017 1

SICILY. Messana. Tetradrachm c. 438-434 BC. Charioteer driving a biga of mules walking to right; above, Nike flying right to crown the mules; in exergue, olive leaf. Rv. ΜΕΣΣΑΝΙΟИ Hare springing to right; below, olive sprig. 17.18 g. Caltabiano Series X, 421 (D182/R174). Pozzi 485 (same dies). SNG ANS 338. Beautifully toned. Good very fine. (~€ 1755/USD 2020) From an old Swiss collection, formed in the mid 20th century, acquired from Dr. H. Nussbaum in Zurich for 180 Swiss Francs. • Dieses Los unterliegt bei Auslieferung in der Schweiz der Margenbesteuerung gemäss MWSTG 24a (22.5% Aufgeld inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer) • When delivered in Switzerland, this lot is subject to the margin taxation scheme in accordance with article 24a of the Federal Act on Value Added Tax (22.5% buyer’s premium incl. statutory VAT)

Starting price
2,000 CHF
2,200 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2018 1
Syracuse Agathokles, 317-289

SICILY. Syracuse. Agathokles, 317-289. Electrum-50 litrae c. 317-310 BC. Laureate head of Apollo to left; behind, omphalos. Rv. ΣΥΡΑΚ-ΟΣΙΩΝ Tripod with legs ending in lion's feet. 3.66 g. Jenkins O5/R5. SNG München 1201. A beautifully struck coin of excellent style. Very light scratch on the reverse. Good extremely fine. (~€ 2630/USD 3030) From an old Swiss collection, formed in the mid 20th century, most likely acquired from Dr. H. Nussbaum in Zurich.

Starting price
3,000 CHF
4,200 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2019 1
Syracuse Philistis, wife of Hieron II. 275-215

SICILY. Syracuse. Philistis, wife of Hieron II. 275-215. 16 Litrai - Tetradrachm c. 240-218/5 BC. Diademed and veiled head of Philistis to left; behind, grain ear. Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑΣ - ΦΙΛΙΣΤΙΔΟΣ Nike, holding reins in both hands, driving slow quadriga to right; to right, ΚΙΣ; below, grain ear. 13.49 g. BAR Issue 65. CCO - (D18/R48). Nicely toned. Edge split and the obverse struck from a slightly worn die. (~€ 875/USD 1010) Ex auction Ira and Larry Goldberg, September 2003, lot 1490.

Starting price
1,000 CHF
1,400 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2020 1
Apollonia Pontica

THRACE. Apollonia Pontica. Tetradrachm Late 5th-4th centuries BC. Leoprepes, magistrate. Head of Apollo left, wearing laurel wreath. Rv. Upright anchor; A and crayfish flanking; ΛΕΩΠΡΕΠΗΣ to left, all within shallow incuse square. 17.00 g. Cf. Topalov, Apollonia 50 (for type, but magistrate unlisted). SNG BM Black Sea 165 var. (magistrate). SNG Copenhagen -. Traité IV 1622 var. (unlisted magistrate). Rare. Fine Style. Flan roughness on reverse. Extremely fine (~€ 3510/USD 4040) Ex Triton XV, auction CNG, January 2012, lot 1089. NGC AU, Strike 4/5, Surface 3/5.

Starting price
4,000 CHF
4,500 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

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