Catalog - SINCONA Auction 40

The William Tell-Collection: Swiss Shooting Medals and Memorabilia

Results 1261-1280 of 2580
of 129
SCHWEIZ Schützentaler, Schützenmedaillen & Schützenvaria
Lot 6261 1
Tessin / Ticino

Vergoldete Silbermedaille o. J. (1929). Bellinzona. Match intercantonale al fucile. Campione in ginocchio. 6.76 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1513b. Sehr selten / Very rare. FDC / Uncirculated.

Starting price
250 CHF
375 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6262 1
Tessin / Ticino

Silbermedaille 1931. Chiasso. Tiro distrettuale. 11.53 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1470a. Sehr selten / Very rare. FDC / Uncirculated. Kleiner Randfehler / Minor edge nick.

Starting price
150 CHF
200 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6263 1
Tessin / Ticino

Silbermedaille 1931. Chiasso. Tiro distrettuale. 11.47 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1470a. Sehr selten / Very rare. Fast FDC / About uncirculated.

Starting price
125 CHF
125 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6264 1
Tessin / Ticino

Bronzemedaille o. J. (1931). (Chiasso. Tiro distrettuale.) Einseitige Probe. 56.94 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1471b (Ausgabe 2017/2018). Äusserst selten / Extremely rare. Vorzüglich / Extremely fine.

Starting price
200 CHF
200 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6265 1
Tessin / Ticino

Bronzemedaille 1931. Chiasso. Tiro distrettuale. 61.17 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1471a. Selten / Rare. FDC / Uncirculated.

Starting price
100 CHF
140 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6266 1
Tessin / Ticino

Bronzemedaille 1931. Chiasso. Tiro distrettuale. 60.91 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1471a. Selten / Rare. Fast FDC / About uncirculated.

Starting price
75 CHF
Lot 6267 1
Tessin / Ticino

Silbermedaille 1932. Locarno. Tiro cantonale. 57.49 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1474a. Selten / Rare. FDC / Uncirculated.

Starting price
200 CHF
200 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6268 1
Tessin / Ticino

Silbermedaille 1932. Locarno. Tiro cantonale. 58.47 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1474a. Selten / Rare. FDC / Uncirculated.

Exemplar aus Auktion 67 (2009) der UBS AG, Zürich (Lot 4831).

Starting price
200 CHF
250 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6269 1
Tessin / Ticino

Silbermedaille 1932. Locarno. Centenario del tiro nel Ticino 1832-1932. 95.48 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1475a. Sehr selten. Nur 81 Exemplare geprägt / Very rare. Only 81 pieces struck. FDC / Uncirculated.

Starting price
250 CHF
250 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6270 1
Tessin / Ticino

Bronzemedaille 1932. Locarno. Centenario del tiro nel Ticino 1832-1932. 96.90 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1475b. Selten / Rare. FDC / Uncirculated.

Starting price
100 CHF
100 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6271
Tessin / Ticino

Bronzemedaille 1932. Locarno. Centenario del tiro nel Ticino 1832-1932. 96.35 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1475b. Selten / Rare. Fast FDC / About uncirculated.

Starting price
75 CHF
Lot 6272 1
Tessin / Ticino

Silbermedaille 1934. Lugano. Tiro distrettuale. 26.55 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1476a. Sehr selten / Very rare. Gutes vorzüglich / Good extremely fine. Kleiner Randfehler / Minor edge nick.

Starting price
125 CHF
Lot 6273 1
Tessin / Ticino

Silbermedaille 1934. Lugano. Tiro distrettuale. 27.22 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1476a. Sehr selten / Very rare. Fast FDC / About uncirculated.

Starting price
250 CHF
250 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6274 1
Tessin / Ticino

Silbermedaille 1936. Bellinzona. Tiro cantonale ticinese. 9.78 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1478a. Sehr selten / Very rare. FDC / Uncirculated. Mit Original-Henkel / With original loop.

Entgegen der Legierungsangabe im Referenzkatalog ist das Stück in Silber geprägt.

Starting price
100 CHF
180 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6275 1
Tessin / Ticino

Bronzemedaille 1936. Lugano. Giornata Sottocenerina del giovane tiratore. 11.60 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1479Aa (Ausgabe 2017/2018). Äusserst selten / Extremely rare. FDC / Uncirculated. Entfernter Originalhenkel / Original loop removed.

Es handelt sich um eine bis dato unbekannte Medaille.

Starting price
150 CHF
Lot 6276 1
Tessin / Ticino

Silbermedaille 1936. Bellinzona. Tiro cantonale. 25.14 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1479a. Von grösster Seltenheit. Nur 15 Exemplare geprägt / Of the highest rarity. Only 15 pieces struck. Fast FDC / About uncirculated.

Starting price
500 CHF
550 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6277 1
Tessin / Ticino

Bronzemedaille 1936. Bellinzona. Tiro cantonale ticinese. 29.64 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1479b. Sehr selten. Nur 36 Exemplare geprägt / Very rare. Only 36 pieces struck. FDC / Uncirculated.

Starting price
200 CHF
200 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6278 1
Tessin / Ticino

Bronzemedaille 1936. Bellinzona. Tiro cantonale ticinese. 28.75 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1479b. Sehr selten. Nur 36 Exemplare geprägt / Very rare. Only 36 pieces struck. Vorzüglich-FDC / Extremely fine-uncirculated.

Starting price
150 CHF
150 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6279 1
Tessin / Ticino

Silbermedaille o. J. (ab 1936). Federazione cantonale ticinese. Maestro tiratori. 50.38 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1523a. Sehr selten / Very rare. FDC / Uncirculated. In Originalschachtel / In original box.

Starting price
200 CHF
200 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 6280 1
Tessin / Ticino

Silbermedaille o. J. (ab 1936). Federazione cantonale ticinese. Maestro tiratori. 50.04 g. Richter (Schützenmedaillen) 1523a. Selten / Rare. FDC / Uncirculated.

Starting price
150 CHF
150 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Results 1261-1280 of 2580
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