Pedro II. 1831-1889. 20000 Reis 1858, Rio de Janeiro. 17.90 g. KM 468. Fr. 121a. Fast vorzüglich / About extremely fine.
Starting price | 650 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
World and Swiss Coins and Medals
Pedro II. 1831-1889. 20000 Reis 1858, Rio de Janeiro. 17.90 g. KM 468. Fr. 121a. Fast vorzüglich / About extremely fine.
Starting price | 650 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Republik, seit 1889. 4000 Reis 1900, Rio de Janeiro. 51.26 g. Auf den 400. Jahrestag der Entdeckung. Stern mit 20 Strahlen. KM 502.2. Dav. LS525. Gutes vorzüglich / Good extremely fine. Hübsche Patina / Attractively toned.
Starting price | 600 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Republik, seit 1889. Münzsatz 1900, Rio de Janeiro. 4000, 2000, 1000 und 400 Reis. Auf den 400. Jahrestag der Entdeckung. Stern mit 20 Strahlen. KM 502.2, 501, 500, 499. Dav. LS525. Vorzüglich-FDC / Extremely fine-uncirculated. Im Originaletui / In original box. (4)
Starting price | 600 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Ferdinand I. 1887-1918. 5 Lewa 1894 KB, Kremnitz. 24.96 g. KM 18. Dav. 61. Fast vorzüglich / About extremely fine.
Starting price | 120 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Ferdinand I. 1887-1918. 5 Lewa 1894 KB, Kremnitz. 24.88 g. KM 18. Dav. 61. Sehr schön-vorzüglich / Very fine-extremely fine.
Starting price | 75 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Ferdinand I. 1887-1918. 20 Lewa 1912, Wien. 6.44 g. Auf sein 25-jähriges Regierungsjubiläum und auf die Unabhängigkeitserklärung am 5. Oktober 1908 (nach julianischem Kalender 22. September 1908). Schl. 8. Fr. 6. Vorzüglich / Extremely fine. Feine Kratzer / Minor scratches.
Starting price | 1,000 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Ferdinand I. 1887-1918. Diverse Münzen 1882-1913, Konvolut bestehend aus: 2 Leva 1882 (2x), 1 Leva 1882, 50 Stotinki 1883, 2 Leva 1891, 1 Leva 1891 (2x), 50 Stotinki 1891, 2 Leva 1894, 50 Stotinki 1912, 10 Stotinki 1912, 2 Stotinki 1912, 2 Leva 1913, 50 Stotinki 1913 (2x), 20 Stotinki 1913, 5 Stotinki 1913. Lot von 17 Stück. Sehr schön und vorzüglich / Very fine und extremely fine. (17)
Starting price | 300 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Mindon, 1214-1240 CS (1853-1878). Mat 1214 CS (1852), 2.87 g. KM 8.1. Fast vorzüglich / About extremely fine. Leicht gereinigt / Lightly cleaned.
Starting price | 150 CHF |
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Mindon, 1214-1240 CS (1853-1878). 1 Kyat (Rupee) 1214 CS (1852), 11.73 g. KM10. Gutes sehr schön / Good very fine.
Starting price | 200 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Mwambutsa IV. 1962-1966. Münzsatz 1962, 100, 50, 25 und 10 Francs. Auf die Unabhängigkeit. KM 2-5. Fr. 1-4. FDC / Uncirculated. (4)
Starting price | 2,500 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Carlos IV. 1788-1808. 8 Escudos 1792 DA, Santiago. 26.85 g. AC 1757. Fr. 23. Gutes sehr schön / Good very fine.
Starting price | 1,200 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Republik, seit 1818. 8 Escudos 1822 FI, Santiago. 27.02 g. KM 84. Fr. 33. Sehr schön-vorzüglich / Very fine-extremely fine.
Starting price | 1,600 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Republik, seit 1818. 1 Escudo 1838 IJ, Santiago. 3.33 g. KM 99. Fr. 40. Selten / Rare. Gutes sehr schön / Good very fine.
Starting price | 300 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Republik, seit 1818. 8 Escudos 1850 LA, Santiago. 27.01 g. KM 105. Fr. 41. Gutes sehr schön / Good very fine.
Starting price | 1,400 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Republik, seit 1818. 10 Pesos 1858, Santiago. 15.22 g. KM 131. Fr. 45. Vorzüglich / Extremely fine. Feine Goldpatina / Nice gold toning.
Starting price | 800 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Republik, seit 1818. 5 Pesos 1873, Santiago. 7.52 g. KM 144. Fr. 46. Sehr schön / Very fine.
Starting price | 500 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Republik, seit 1818. 10 Pesos 1895, Santiago. 5.98 g. KM 154. Fr. 49. Fast FDC / About uncirculated.
Starting price | 300 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Republik, seit 1818. 5 Pesos 1895, Santiago. 3.00 g. KM 153. Fr. 50. Vorzüglich-FDC / Extremely fine-uncirculated.
Starting price | 200 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Republik, seit 1818. 20 Pesos 1907, Santiago. 10 Pesos 1896 (2x), Santiago. 50 Pesos 1926, Santiago. 20 Pesos 1926, Santiago. Lot von 5 Exemplaren. KM 158, 157, 169, 168. Fr. 51, 52, 55, 56. Vorzüglich-FDC / Extremely fine-uncirculated. (5)
Starting price | 1,200 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.