10 Batzen 1809, Bern. Palm- und Lorbeerzweige. Schräg geriffelter Rand. D.T. 192b. HMZ 2-21b. PCGS MS67. Prachtexemplar / Cabinet piece.
Starting price | 500 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
World and Swiss Coins and Medals
10 Batzen 1809, Bern. Palm- und Lorbeerzweige. Schräg geriffelter Rand. D.T. 192b. HMZ 2-21b. PCGS MS67. Prachtexemplar / Cabinet piece.
Starting price | 500 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
5 Batzen 1826, Bern. Schräg geriffelter Rand. D.T. 196. HMZ 2-22j. NGC MS66.
Von den 699'452 geprägten 5 Batzen der Jahrgänge bis 1815 und und den 507'715 geprägten Konkordatsmünzen des Jahrgangs 1826, wurden anlässlich des Münzumtausches von 1851/52 nur deren 639'384 Exemplare eingetauscht, wovon anschliessend 639'341 Stücke eingeschmolzen wurden.
Starting price | 80 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Dicken 1499, Basel. 7.09 g. Baselstab zwischen zwei Basilisken. Rv. Madonna mit Christuskind in Strahlen. Ewig 320. HMZ 2-51a. Sehr selten / Very rare. Gutes sehr schön / Good very fine.
Starting price | 2,000 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Goldgulden o. J. (nach 1648), Basel. 3.18 g. Winterstein (Goldgulden) 269. D.T. 1313. HMZ 2-74d. Fr. 25. Selten / Rare. Fast FDC / About uncirculated. Leicht gewellt / Slightly wavy flan.
Starting price | 1,500 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Duplone 1795, Basel. 7.61 g. D.T. 736a. HMZ 2-92a. Fr. 71. Vorzüglich-FDC / Extremely fine-uncirculated.
Starting price | 1,500 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Vierzipfliger Pfennig 0.35 g. Bär nach links, darüber Königskopf. Perlkreis. Letztes Viertel des 13. Jahrhunderts. Geiger 2.1.1. HMZ 1-266a. Selten / Rare. Gutes sehr schön / Good very fine.
Wichtiger Hinweis / Important information
Dieses Los unterliegt bei Auslieferung in der Schweiz der Margenbesteuerung gemäss MWSTG 24a (23% Aufgeld inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer)
When delivered in Switzerland, this lot is subject to the margin taxation scheme in accordance with article 24a of the Federal Act on Value Added Tax (23% buyer’s premium incl. statutory VAT)
Starting price | 250 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
20 Kreuzer 1755, Bern. D.T. 515a. HMZ 2-221c. NGC AU Details. Leicht gereinigt / Lightly cleaned.
Starting price | 100 CHF |
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This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Doppelduplone 1793, Bern. 15.22 g. D.T. 499a. HMZ 2-211a. Fr. 181. Gutes vorzüglich / Good extremely fine.
Starting price | 2,000 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Duplone 1793, Bern. D.T. 501b. HMZ 2-213d. Fr. 182. NGC MS63. Prachtvolle Erhaltung / Magnificent condition.
Das mit zwei weiteren Exemplaren durch NGC höchstbewertete Exemplar / Finest certified by NGC with two other coins.
Starting price | 2,500 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Doppelduplone 1794, Bern. 15.26 g. D.T. 499b. HMZ 2-211b. Fr. 181. Gutes vorzüglich / Good extremely fine.
Starting price | 2,000 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Doppelduplone 1794, Bern. 15.23 g. D.T. 503. HMZ 2-211c. Fr. 181. Gutes vorzüglich / Good extremely fine.
Starting price | 2,500 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Doppelduplone 1794, Bern. 15.19 g. D.T. 503. HMZ 2-211c. Fr. 181. Sehr schön-vorzüglich / Very fine-extremely fine.
Starting price | 1,500 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Duplone 1794, Bern. 7.58 g. D.T. 501b. HMZ 2-213e. Fr. 182. Vorzüglich-FDC / Extremely fine-uncirculated.
Starting price | 2,000 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Duplone 1794, Bern. 7.61 g. D.T. 501b. HMZ 2-213e. Fr. 182. Vorzüglich / Extremely fine.
Starting price | 800 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Dukat 1794, Bern. D.T. 491. HMZ 2-216h. Fr. 180. Sehr selten in dieser Erhaltung / Very rare in this condition. NGC MS63 PL. Prachtvoller Erstabschlag / Magnificent first strike.
Starting price | 2,500 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Doppelduplone 1795, Bern. 15.21 g. D.T. 499c. HMZ 2-211d. Fr. 181. Gutes vorzüglich / Good extremely fine.
Starting price | 2,000 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.
Doppelduplone 1795, Bern. 15.21 g. D.T. 499c. HMZ 2-211d. Fr. 181. Gutes sehr schön / Good very fine.
Starting price | 1,250 CHF |
Result |
This lot is not available for purchase anymore.