SINCONA Auction 83

 - World Coins and Medals

World and Swiss Coins and Medals

RDR / ÖSTERREICH Salzburg, Erzbistum

Lot 3450

Lot 3450


Starting price 30,000 CHF
Result 30,000 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.


Leopold Anton Eleutherius, 1727-1744. 2 Dukaten 1734, Salzburg. 6.93 g. Zöttl 2536. Probszt 2104. Fr. 848. Von allergrösster Seltenheit / Of the highest rarity. Gutes vorzüglich / Good extremely fine.

Exemplar der Auktion Künker 268, Osnabrück, September 2015, Los 5677.