SINCONA Auction 83

 - World Coins and Medals

World and Swiss Coins and Medals


Lot 2097

Lot 2097


Starting price 150,000 CHF
Result 180,000 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.


Victoria, 1837-1901. Pattern 5 Pounds 1839, London. Una and the lion. Young head, front fillet has six full scrolls and rear fillet shows eleven leaves above hair. In small letters on edge: DECUS ET TUTAMEN * ANNO REGNI TERTIO *. Hill F23. Spink 3851. WR 278 (R4). Fr. 386. Von grösster Seltenheit / Of the highest rarity. NGC PF60 ULTRA CAMEO.

Fälschlicherweise durch NGC als WR 279 zertifiziert / Incorrectly attributed to WR 279 by NGC.