SINCONA Auction 82


SINCONA British Collection - Part 4


Lot 1660

Lot 1660


Starting price 30,000 CHF
Result 44,000 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.


Charles II. 1660-1685. 5 Guineas 1680/79, London. 41.51 g. TRICESIMO SECVNDO. Second laureate bust, elephant and castle below, 80 over 79 in date. Spink 3331. Bull 192 (R6, this coin). Fr. 283a. Von grösster Seltenheit / Of the highest rarity. NGC AU55.

From auction Spink 5028, May 2005, lot 105. From auction Bonhams, December 1996, lot 191. This very coin serves as plate coin for Bull 192. Finest certified by NGC.