SINCONA Auction 82


SINCONA British Collection - Part 4


Lot 1635

Lot 1635


Starting price 15,000 CHF
Result 46,000 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.


Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector, 1653-1658. Pattern 1/2 Broad of 10 Shillings 1656 (1738), London. 5.95 g. Laureate head, plain edge. Dutch obverse, reverse by John S. Tanner. WR 42 (R5). Bull 82 (R5). Von grösster Seltenheit, offenbar nur rund drei Stücke in privater Hand / Of the highest rarity, allegedly only about three coins known in private hands. NGC PF63. Prachtvolle Erhaltung mit den üblichen Stempelfehlern / Magnificent condition with the usual die flaws.