SINCONA Auction 80

 - (2/6)

World Coins and Medals (Essequibo - Nepal, 2314-3059)

Lot 2627

Lot 2627


Starting price 10,000 CHF
Result 12,500 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.


Vittorio Emanuele III. 1900-1946. 100 Lire 1936 / Anno XIV, Roma. 8.80 g. Mont. 25 (R3). Pagani 650. Fr. 35. Von grösster Seltenheit. Nur 816 Exemplare geprägt / Of the highest rarity. Only 816 pieces struck. NGC MS65+. Prachtexemplar / Cabinet piece.


Das durch NGC zweithöchstbewertete Exemplar / Second finest certified by NGC.