
The SINCONA Collections
Russian Coins and Decorations

Lot 1011

Lot 1011


Starting price 2,000 CHF
Result 6,000 CHF

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.


Imperial Order of the Saint Apostle Andrew the First-Called Breast star, 2nd model (eagle standing sideward with hanging wings and St. Andrew’s cross on the chest – since about 1800 until about the 1820ies), 93 x 94 mm, embroidered fabrication by an unidentified firm of the first quarter of the 19th century, single silver rays, silver and silver gilt bouillon embroidery, silver gilt paillettes, silk embroidery, several rays with dents and several threads loose, on the reverse old covering paper, this with additional later paper with handwritten note 'Porté par l'Empereur / Alexandre I° / Collection du Prince / de la Moskowa' [Worn by the Emperor / Alexander I / Collcetion of the Prince / de la Moskowa], slightly darkened. RRU 3C; ZK2 3059.

Имперaторский орден Святого Апостола Андрея Первозванного Звезда, 2 тип (орёл с опущенными крыльями и крестом Св.Андрея на груди – примерно с 1800 и до 1820-ых годов), 93 x 94 мм, шитая, изготовлена неизвестной фирмой в первой четверти 19 века, серебряные лучи, серебро и серебрение, шёлк, с оборотной стороны старая бумага, с приклеенной позднее бумагой с рукописными пометками «при императоре Александре I, коллекция князя «Москворецкого», слегка потемнела. RRU 3C; ZK2 3059.
Состояние лучше чем хорошее


Ex auction Galйrie George Petit, Paris, of May 28 and 29, 1929, 'Collection Ney Prince de la Moskowa'.
This model of a breast star, showing the slightly sideward standing eagle with hanging wings and the St. Andrew's cross on the chest appeared with the accession of Emperor Alexander I to the throne in 1801. It is typical for the entire period of his reign until his death in 1825, as can be seen on the portraits of contemporary holders. It seems that in the beginning of the reign of his brother and successor Nicholas I, in connection with the reformation of the imperial heraldry, the eagle moved from a sideward to a horizontal position but continued to show hanging wings. After the accession of Alexander II Nicholajewich in 1855, the entire imperial heraldry was reformed again, showing now the horizontal flying imperial eagle with erected wings. This type of eagle was also introduced in the order's insignia and remained the same until the end of monarchy in 1917.
After the death of Léon Napoléon Louis Michel Ney, 4th Prince de la Moskowa (born 1870) in 1928, his huge collection was sold in Paris. He was the great grandson of the French Maréchal de l'Empire Michel Ney (1769–1815), 1st Duke d'Elchingen (1808) and 1st Prince de la Moskowa (1813).
Происходит с аукциона Galйrie George Petit, Париж, 28-29 мая 1929, «Коллекция Нея, князя «Москворецкого».
После смерти Леона Наполеона Луи Мишеля Нея, 4-ого князя «Москворецкого» в 1928 году (родился в 1870 г), его огромная коллекция была продана в Париже. Он был праправнуком маршала Франции Мишеля Нея (1769-1815), 1-ого герцога Эльхингена (1808) и 1-ого князя «Москворецкого» (1813)