Katalog - SINCONA Auktion 92

The Kian Collection - Teil 3

(Islamische und Persische Münzen und Medaillen, Ritterorden)

The Tuhfa Collection arabischer Goldmünzen

Ergebnisse 1-20 von 618
von 31
Startet in 1 Monat(en) 2 Tag(en)
Los 1 1
‘Abd al-Malik (b. Marwan I), 65-86 AH (685-705)

‘Abd al-Malik (b. Marwan I), 65-86 AH (685-705). Dirham 83 AH (702/703), Istakhr Mint. 2.92 g. Klat 70. Album 126. Vorzüglich-FDC / About Uncirculated. Aussergewöhnlich gut und gleichmässig ausgeprägt. Leicht gereinigt / Extraordinarily well and evenly struck. Lightly cleaned.

500 CHF
500 CHF

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Los 2 1
al-Ma’mûn ‘Abd Allâh (Abû Ja‘far, b. al-Rashîd), 194-218 AH (810-833)

al-Ma’mûn ‘Abd Allâh (Abû Ja‘far, b. al-Rashîd), 194-218 AH (810-833). Dirham 202 AH (817/818), Samarqand Mint. 2.76 g. Citing 'Ali ibn Mûsâ ar-Rida as heir. Lowick/Savage 2679. SNAT XVa 634. Album 224. Vorzüglich-FDC / About Uncirculated. Leicht gereinigt / Lightly cleaned.

600 CHF
1 Gebot(e) 600 CHF

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Los 3 1
al-Ma’mûn ‘Abd Allâh (Abû Ja‘far, b. al-Rashîd), 194-218 AH (810-833)

al-Ma’mûn ‘Abd Allâh (Abû Ja‘far, b. al-Rashîd), 194-218 AH (810-833). Dirham 203 AH (818/819), Fârs Mint. 4.21 g. Of mithqâl weight. Citing 'Ali ibn Mûsâ ar-Rida as heir. Lowick/Savage 2039. Album 224. Seltene Münzstätte sowie seltenes Nominal / Rare mint and denomination. Vorzüglich / Extremely Fine. Breiter Schrötling / Broad flan. Kratzer auf der Vorderseite / Scratch on obverse.

1.500 CHF
1 Gebot(e) 1.500 CHF

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Los 4 1
Isma‘il I (b. Ahmad), 279-295 AH (892-907)

Isma‘il I (b. Ahmad), 279-295 AH (892-907). Dinar 281 AH (894/895), Samarqand Mint. 4.17 g. Album 1445, but the coin type remains unpublished in gold. Von grösster Seltenheit / Of the highest rarity. NGC AU58.

This unusual coin type with only one marginal legend on the obverse and the name of the amir only through his ism marks the beginning of precious metal coinage for the Samanids. It was only issued in this mint and year in quantity as silver, but excessively rare in gold.

Finest certified by NGC.

1.000 CHF
1.000 CHF

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Los 5 1
Nasr II (b. Ahmad), 301-331 AH (914-943)

Nasr II (b. Ahmad), 301-331 AH (914-943). Dinar 309 AH (921/922), Nishapur/Naysâbûr Mint. 4.52 g. Album 1449. Bernardi 269Pj. Seltenes Jahr, fehlt in allen grossen Sammlungskatalogen / Rare date, missing in all major collection catalogues. NGC UNC Details. Kratzer auf der Vorderseite / Scratches on obverse.

300 CHF
300 CHF

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Los 6 1
Nasr II (b. Ahmad), 301-331 AH (914-943)

Nasr II (b. Ahmad), 301-331 AH (914-943). Dinar 326 AH (937/938), Nishapur/Naysâbûr Mint. 3.65 g. Album 1449. Kazan 979. SNAT XIVa 463. NGC UNC Details. Leicht gereinigt / Lightly cleaned.

300 CHF
300 CHF

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Los 7 1
Nasr II (b. Ahmad), 301-331 AH (914-943)

Nasr II (b. Ahmad), 301-331 AH (914-943). Dinar 330 AH (941/942), Nishapur/Naysâbûr Mint. 4.38 g. Album 1449. Kazan 983Var. SNAT XIVa 467. NGC MS64.

400 CHF
400 CHF

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Los 8 1
‘Abd al-Malik I (b. Nûh II), 343-350 AH (954-961)

‘Abd al-Malik I (b. Nûh II), 343-350 AH (954-961). Dinar 347 AH (958/959), Âmul Mint. 3.43 g. Album 1460. Stern, Numismatic Chronicle 1967, p. 244 no. 32Var. NGC UNC Details. Leicht gebogen / Slightly bent.

500 CHF
500 CHF

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Los 9 1
‘Abd al-Malik I (b. Nûh II), 343-350 AH (954-961)

‘Abd al-Malik I (b. Nûh II), 343-350 AH (954-961). Dinar 348 AH (959/960), Âmul Mint. 4.00 g. Album 1460. Stern, Numismatic Chronicle 1697, p. 244 no. 33. NGC MS64.

Tied with four others for finest certified by NGC.

750 CHF
750 CHF

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Los 10 1
Nûh III (b. Mansûr I), 365-387 AH (976-997)

Nûh III (b. Mansûr I), 365-387 AH (976-997). Dinar 384 AH (994/995), Nishapur/Naysâbûr Mint. 4.14 g. With the name of the Ghaznawid 'Sayf ad-dawla' Mahmûd as Sâmânid governor. Album 1468. Kazan 988. Fast vorzüglich / About Extremely Fine. Kleine Kratzer / Small scratches.

400 CHF
400 CHF

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Los 11 1
Nûh III (b. Mansûr I), 365-387 AH (976-997)

Nûh III (b. Mansûr I), 365-387 AH (976-997). Dinar 384 AH (994/995), Nishapur/Naysâbûr Mint. 4.35 g. With the name of the Ghaznawid 'Sayf ad-dawla' Mahmûd as Sâmânid governor. Album 1468. Kazan 988. Fast vorzüglich / About Extremely Fine. Kratzer / Scratches.

350 CHF
350 CHF

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Los 12 1
Nûh III (b. Mansûr I), 365-387 AH (976-997)

Nûh III (b. Mansûr I), 365-387 AH (976-997). Dinar 384 AH (994/995), Nishapur/Naysâbûr Mint. 4.26 g. With the name of the Ghaznawid 'Sayf ad-dawla' Mahmûd as Sâmânid governor. Album 1608. Kazan 988. Fast vorzüglich / About Extremely Fine.

300 CHF
300 CHF

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ISLAMISCHE MÜNZEN Sallârids of Tarom
Los 13 1
Wahsudan b. Muhammad, fl. 343 AH (954-955)

Wahsudan b. Muhammad, fl. 343 AH (954-955). Dirham 343 AH (954/955), Jalâlabâd Mint. 6.37 g. Of two commercial dirham weight, naming the Ismâ'îlî imams. Album cf. 1488 (dirham), but always of double dirham weight. Miles, Cambridge History of Iran Vol. 4, Cambridge 1975, p. 373, pl. 27, no. 5. Torabi 1372 p. 297. Vardanyan 149. Äusserst selten / Extremely rare. Fast vorzüglich / About Extremely Fine. Leicht gereinigt und bearbeitet / Lightly cleaned and tooled.

5.000 CHF
5.000 CHF

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ISLAMISCHE MÜNZEN Buwayhids (Buyids)
Los 14 1 Video
Mu'ayyad ad-dawla Abû Mansûr as vassal of his brother 'Adud ad-dawla, governor of Jibâl, 367-372 AH (978-983)

Mu'ayyad ad-dawla Abû Mansûr as vassal of his brother 'Adud ad-dawla, governor of Jibâl, 367-372 AH (978-983). 5 Dinars 367 AH (977/978), al-Muhammadiya Mint. 21.01 g. The Creed followed by the names of the Caliph at-Tâ'I' lillâh and the head of the family 'Adud ad-dawla, marginal legend mint and date formula followed by li-hijrat an-nabî sallâ llâh 'alayhi wa âlihi. Rv. The Surat al-ikhlâs introduced by qull hûwa and the name of Mu'ayyid ad-dawla. Outer margings containing the legend bi-aymani tâ'irin wa a'azzu nasrin and bi-athbati dawlatin wa amaddu 'umrin ('He may make travelling happy and the support strong; He may make the dynasty steadfast and extend life.', reading of the verse according to Treadwell, Craftsmen and Coins, Vienna 2011, p. 83). Unpubliziert und wahrscheinlich das einzige bekannte Exemplar / Unpublished and possible unique. NGC MS62. Prachtexemplar / Cabinet piece.

This is clearly a donative coin which is not only to be suggested on the basis of the high weight but also according to the use of Sura 112 al-Ikhlâs. This can be seen as a reference to the popular use of old Umayyad dirhams for donations at this period. It may be linked with the use of special coins for donations by the famous vizier Sâhib ibn 'Abbâd (Abû l-Qâsim Ismâ'îl ibn 'Abbâd, * 326, m 385 AH), who began his career at this period as vizier of the Buyid Mu'ayyid ad-dawla and who is renowned for his one thousand mithqal dinar presented to his prince Fakhr ad-dawla in 378 AH, which bore a poem on one side and the Sûrat al-ikhlâs on the other (Ilisch, Geschenkmünzen MNZ XIV, 3, p. 33). The good wishes in the outer margin have to be understood as referring to the help from Allah to grant such favors and at the same time as a vow of the vizier to his ruler.

The fine style suggests a work of the well studied die engraver al-Hasan ibn Muhammad, who sometimes signed his dies. For his activities centered at the mint of al-Muhammadîya/ar-Rayy between the years 335 AH and the beginning of the 370ies AH, see Luke Treadwell, Craftsmen and Coins, Vienna 2011, p. 66-84. For an updated overview over the Buyid coinage including this and other donatives see https://sikkabuya.philosophie.uni-tuebingen.de/catalog/2272.

Finest certified by NGC.

200.000 CHF
200.000 CHF

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Los 15 1
Bahâ’ al-Dawla Abû Nasr (b. ‘Adud al-Dawla), 379-403 AH (989-1012)

Bahâ’ al-Dawla Abû Nasr (b. ‘Adud al-Dawla), 379-403 AH (989-1012). Dinar 398 AH (1007/1008), Sûq al-Ahwâz Mint. 4.23 g. Album 1573. Kazan 1008. Treadwell Su398G. NGC UNC Details. Leicht gereinigt / Lightly cleaned.

250 CHF
250 CHF

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Los 16 1
Badr b. Hasanwayh, 369-405 AH (980-1014)

Badr b. Hasanwayh, 369-405 AH (980-1014). Dinar 395 AH (1004/1005), Sâburkhwâst Mint. 3.97 g. Album 1588. cf. Kazan 992 (396 AH). NGC AU55.

Finest certified by NGC.

800 CHF
800 CHF

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ISLAMISCHE MÜNZEN Khwarizmshahs (Anushteginid)
Los 17 1 Video
Muhammad ('Ala al-Din Abu'l-Fath, b. Takish), 596-617 AH (1200-1220)

Muhammad ('Ala al-Din Abu'l-Fath, b. Takish), 596-617 AH (1200-1220). 10 Dinars 613 AH (1216/1217), Ghazna Mint. 44.79 g. Album -. Äusserst selten / Extremely rare. NGC MS64. Prachtexemplar / Cabinet piece.

These spectacular coins of this type struck for the treasury of Ghazna, weighing ten Iranian mithqâls, were known in the name of the Ghorid Ghiyâth ad-dîn Muhammad with the date 597 AH (Numismatica Genevensis, Geneva, 18 October 2019, lot 19) and 598 AH (National Museum Qatar, illustrated in the cover illustrations of their catalogues vols 1 and 2). For the Khwârizmshâh 'Alâ ad-dîn Muhammad such a piece is also known with the date 614 AH (Numismatica Genevensis, Geneva, November 2019, lot 169). It seems likely that these coins were released from the treasury by the Khwârizmshah Jalâl ad-dîn to win support in his long anti-Mongol fight before Cinggis Khan could take the city on Rajab 618 AH (August 1221).

Finest certified by NGC.

100.000 CHF
100.000 CHF

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ISLAMISCHE MÜNZEN Assassins at Alamut (Batinid)
Los 18 1
Muhammad I. b. Buzurgummid, 532-557 AH (1138-1162)

Muhammad I. b. Buzurgummid, 532-557 AH (1138-1162). 1/4 Dinar 537 AH (1142/1143), Kursî ad-Daylam Mint. 2.60 g. Album 1918. Vardanyan/Hamdan p. 294 no. 2. Sehr selten / Very rare. NGC AU Details. Leicht gebogen / Slightly bent.

3.000 CHF
3.000 CHF

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ISLAMISCHE MÜNZEN Sufid in Khwarizm (Qongirat Sufis)
Los 19 1
Husayn, 762-774 AH (1361-1372)

Husayn, 762-774 AH (1361-1372). Fractional Dinar 766 AH (1364/1365), Khwarizm Mint. 1.11 g. Album 2063. Fedorov-Davydov, Numizmatika i Epigrafika V p. 195 type 2. NGC AU Details. Leicht gebogen / Slightly bent.

500 CHF
500 CHF

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ISLAMISCHE MÜNZEN Ilkhanids (Ilkhans, Mongols of Persia, Hulaguids)
Los 20 1
Abû-Sa‘îd, 716-736 AH (1316-1335)

Abû-Sa‘îd, 716-736 AH (1316-1335). Gold Dinar 719 AH (1319/1320), Kâshân Mint. 4.43 g. Album 2194 type B. Diler Ab-479 (date read as 717 AH). NGC MS63.

Tied with two others for finest certified by NGC.

800 CHF
800 CHF

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Ergebnisse 1-20 von 618
Ergebnisse pro Seite:
von 31
SINCONA Auktion 92
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