Fenina, Abdelhamid: Les Monnaies de la Régence de Tunis sous les HUsaynides.
Tunis: Faculté des Sciences humaines et Sociales de Tunis, 2003.
Startpreis | 20 CHF |
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Münzen und Medaillen von Tunesien
The Miller Collection
Fenina, Abdelhamid: Les Monnaies de la Régence de Tunis sous les HUsaynides.
Tunis: Faculté des Sciences humaines et Sociales de Tunis, 2003.
Startpreis | 20 CHF |
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Khiri, Ali, et Fenina, Abdelhamid et: Numismatique et Histoire de la Monnaie en Tunisie,
Tome III: La Monnaie Contemporaine. Tunis, 2008.
Startpreis | 30 CHF |
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Mitchener, Michael: The World of Islam, Oriental Coins and Their Values.
London: Hawkins, 1998 Reprint.
Startpreis | 100 CHF |
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Pere, Nuri: Osmanlilarda Madenî Paralari (`Coins of the Ottoman Empire").
Istanbul, 1968. Ex CNG XXIV:2289.
Startpreis | 150 CHF |
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Schändlinger, Anton C.: Osmanische Numismatik.
Braunschweig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1973.
Startpreis | 10 CHF |
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Sultan, Jem: Coins of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic, 2 Volumes.
Thousand Oaks: B & R Publishers, 1977.
This set is numbered 339; there were a total of 500 copies printed.
Startpreis | 200 CHF |
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Valentine, W. H.: Modern Copper Coins of the Muhammedan States. Former owner was
a certain "M. Mitchener". London: Spink, 1911. Original edition limited to 200 copies.
Ex CNG 27:2502.
Startpreis | 100 CHF |
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Lot of 4 books/pamplets dealing with oriental numismatics, written in English a. Album, Stephen: Marsdens Numismata Orientalia Illustrata. New York: Attic, 1977.
b. Tarizzo, M. L.: Early Arab Coins of Tunisia from 704 to 1574. Oriental Numismatic Society, 1976.
c. Valentine, W. H.: Modern Copper Coins of the Muhammedan States. London: Spink Reprint, 1977.
d. Wilski, Hans: Countermarks on Ottoman Coins. Gütersloh: Strothotte, 1995.
Startpreis | 40 CHF |
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Lot of 3 books dealing with French colonial coinage, written in French a. Gadoury, Victor: Monnaies Coloniales Françaises, 1670-1988. Baden-Baden: Wessel, 1988.
b. Schweikert, H.: Les Monnaies Tunisiennes depuis 1859 de lAvenement de Mohamed Sadok Pacha Bey à la République Tunisiennee). Munich: Battenberg, 1973.
c. Montorier, 1892. Zay, E.: Histoire Monétaire des colonies Françaises (daprès les documents officiels). Paris:
Startpreis | 30 CHF |
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Lot of 6 books by Cüneyt Ölçer dealing with Ottoman numismatics, written in Turkish and English,
very difficult to find:
a. No. 3/II: Sultan Mahmut II Zamaninda Darp Edilen Osmanli Madenî Paralari. Istanbul, 1990.
b. No. 6: Ottoman Coinage during the Reign of Sultan Abdülmecid Han. Istanbul, 1978.
c. No. 7: Sultan Abdülaziz Han Devri Osmanli Madenî Paralari ("Ottoman Coinage During the Reign of Sultan Abdülaziz Han"). Istanbul, 1979.
d. No. 9: Avrupa Müzelerinde Nadir Osmanli Madenî Paralari. Istanbul, 1984.
e. No. 11: Sultan Murad V ve Sultan Abdühlhamid II Dönemi Osmanli Madenî Paralari, Istanbul, 1986.
f. No. 12: Ottoman Coinage During the Reigns of Sultan Mehmed Reshad and Sultan Mehmed Vahdeddin. Istanbul, 1966.
Startpreis | 120 CHF |
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Lot of 5 books dealing with Ottoman history, written in English
a. Inalcik, Halil: An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, Volume I: 1300-1600. Cambridge: University Press, 1994
b. Faroqhi, Suraiya et al.: An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, Volume II: 1600-1914. Cambridge: University Press, 1994.
c. Kinross, Lord: The Ottoman Centuries, The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire. New York: Morrow, 1977.
d. McCarthy, Justin: The Ottoman Turks. New York: Longman, 1997.
e. Palmer, Alan: The Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire. London: Murry, 1993.
Startpreis | 10 CHF |
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Lot of 6 books about Tunisian history, mostly written in French, one in Arabic
a. Annabi, Hassan et al.: Itineraire du Savoir en Tunisie. Tunis: Alif, 1995.
b. Binous, Jamila et al.: Tunis. Tunis: Sud Editions, 1985.
c. Chelli, Zouhir: La Tunisie au Rythme des Estampes du XVème au XIXème Siècle. Tunis: 2ème Edition, 1993.
d. Frank, Louis& J. J. Marcel: Histoire de Tunis. Tunis: Bouslama, 2ème Edition, nd.
e. Guellow et al.: Historie de la Tunisie: Les Temps modernes. Tunis: Société Tunisienne de Diffusion, 1983.
f. Banque Centrale Tunisienne: Al-Nuqoud al-Tunisiya abr al-Tarih ("Tunisian Coinage through the Ages"), with an introduction written by President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the author of this illustrated booklet is Dr. Khaled Ben Romdhane, Tunis, 1993, written in Arabic.
Startpreis | 20 CHF |
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Fourure, Bruno, Illustrateur: Die Medina von Tunis, Spaziergang in einer arabischen Altstadt.
Tunis: Alif, nd. A delightfully illustrated childrens book, written in German.
Startpreis | 10 CHF |
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Lot of 5 printed materials pertaining to Tunisian history, all are framed under glass/plexiglass:
a. High quality reprint produced by Alif (Tunis) of the painting "Ottoman fleet attacking Tunis at La Goulette", originally painted by Georg Braun (1541-1622ce) and Franz Hogenburg (1535-1590ce). The reprint, dated 1996ce, is pictured on page 17 of this catalogue.
b. Colorful poster: Les Beys de Tunis, 1705-1957, Imprimerie Simpact (Tunis). It has been reproduced on page 16
c. Colored lithograph: A View of Tunis on the Coast of Barbary, engraved for Middletons "[New and] Complete System of Geography, the date "1778" has been added in pencil. Middletons important work of two volumes was first published in 1779ce. The lithograph is pictured on page 73
d. Original map leaf: Partie de Barbarie ou Sont les Royaumes de Tunis et Tripoli (Tires de Sanut et dAutres Par N. Sanson dAbbeyville Geogr ordre du Roÿ), hand colored. Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667ce) was a French cartographer, widely known as the father of French cartography. A rare find, pictured on page 19.
e. Orginal map leaf: Afrique Propre (Dessiné et gravé daprès M. le Colonel Lapis, par Ambroise Tardieu), hand colored [frontier areas only]. Ambroise Tardieu (1788-1841ce) was a Parisian cartographer and engraver. Another rare find.
Startpreis | 50 CHF |
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Commemorative medal. Issued by a private mint the Northwest Territorial Mint in Washington State (USA) a few months after the 2010/2011 "revolution" known as the "Arab Spring", the "Jasmine Revolution" or, in French, le "tunisami" (a unique play on words). The medal is dated 14 January 2011, on which day Ben Ali was forced to flee his own country. The legend in Arabic translates on the one side: "Liberty for the Tunisian People, Glory to the Martyrs"; on the opposite side is written "Long live free Tunisia. The medal is partially enameled, 4,5cm in diameter, made of brass, and weighs 44.27 g.
Startpreis | 1 CHF |
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