Banque Nationale de Belgique. 1000 Francs 1973, 12. Februar. Sign. Vandeputte/Jordens. 100 Francs o. J. (1978-1981). Pick 136b, 140. II - I / Extremely fine-uncirculated. (2)
Startpreis | 80 CHF |
Zuschlag |
Royal Government of Bhutan. 1 Ngultrum o. J. (1974). 5 Ngultrum o. J. (1974). 10 Ngultrum o. J. (2000). Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan. 1 Ngultrum o. J. (2006). 2 Ngultrum o. J. (2006). 10 Ngultrum o. J. (2006). 20 Ngultrum o. J. (2006). 50 Ngultrum o. J. (2008). 100 Ngultrum o. J. (2006). 1000 Ngultrum o. J. (2008). Pick 1, 2, 22, 27, 28, 29a, 30a, 31a, 32a, 34a. 5 Ngultrum o. J. (1974): Selten / Rare. II+ - I / Good extremely fine-uncirculated. 1 und/and 5 Ngultrum o. J. (1974): Übliche Klammerlöcher / Staple holes as usual. (10)
Startpreis | 80 CHF |
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Bank of Biafra. Lot 5 Shillings o. J. (1967). 1 Pound o. J. (1967). 5 Shillings o. J. (1968). 10 Shillings o. J. (1968/1969). 1 Pound o. J. (1968/1969). 5 Pounds o. J. (1968/1969). 10 Pounds o. J. (1968/1969) no serial#. Pick 1-7. IV - I / Fine-uncirculated. (7)
Startpreis | 60 CHF |
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100 Mil Reis o. J. Vier unterschiedliche Banknotenentwürfe der Druckerei Art. Institut Orell Füssli - Zürich. Alle einseitig bedruckt und teilweise auf Karton aufgeklebt. Zum Teil rückseitig handschriftliche Notizen. Pick -. Sehr selten / Very rare. II - -I / Extremely fine-about uncirculated. Einzelne kleine Flecken / Some small stains. (4)
Startpreis | 500 CHF |
Zuschlag |
Lot Grundstocksammlung. Diverse Nominale und Zeitperioden. Pick 131A, 132, 142, 157, 158, 166, 170-173, 176, 178, 182B, 183-186, 192-194, 198, 199, 205, 207, 210, 212, 216, 217. Unterschiedlich erhalten / Various conditions. (40)
Startpreis | 40 CHF |
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10 Cents 1927, 1. February. Peking (Printer: BEPP with PEIPING). 3 Exemplare. 50 Cents 1927, 1. Februar. Repariert. Pick A92a, A94a. SM #C287-2, C287-. VI - II+ / Good- good extremely fine. (4)
Startpreis | 100 CHF |
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1 Dollar 1929, January. SHANGHAI Currency. Blue. 1 Dollar 1929. SHANGHAI Currency. Purple. Pick 13, 13A. SM #C293-62, C293-63. II+ und -IV / Good extremely fine and about fine. (2)
Startpreis | 250 CHF |
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1 Dollar 1912, 1. June. YUNNAN. Pick 25s. SM #C294-30r. Selten / Rare. V - IV / Very good-fine. Klebereste und handschriftliche Notizen / Glue residues from collector's album and handwritten notes.
Startpreis | 150 CHF |
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10 Dollars 1918, September. Local currency. AMOY/FUKIEN (2 Exemplare). 10 Yuan 1918, September. National currency. TIENTSIN. 10 Yuan 1918, September. Local currency. PEKING durchgestrichen und durch TIENTSIN ersetzt / PEKING crossed out and replaced by TIENTSIN. 10 Dollars 1918, September. SHANTUNG replaced by TSINGTAU (2 Exemplare, 1 x repariert /repaired). Pick 53a, p, r, s. Teilweise selten / Some are rare. V - -III / Very good-about very fine. (6)
Startpreis | 120 CHF |
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5 Yuan 1926. SHANGHAI (2 x with black signatures / 1 x with red signatures). 5 Yuan 1931, January. TIENTSIN. Serial# on obverse and reverse. Pick 66a, b, 70b. V - III / Very good-very fine. (4)
Startpreis | 50 CHF |
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5 Yuan 1937 (3). 10 Cents ND (1940). 20 Cents ND (1940). 5 Yuan 1940 (7). 10 Yuan 1940, Serial # on obverse. 10 Yuan 1940, Serial # on obverse and reverse (5). 10 Yuan 1940, with overprint SHENSI PROVINCE (Fantasy!). 25 Yuan 1940 (2). Pick 82-86. IV - I / Fine-uncirculated. (21)
Startpreis | 100 CHF |
Zuschlag |
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