
Orden und Ehrenzeichen aus aller Welt (Deutschland, Europa, Übersee, Lose 4501-4599)


Startpreis 1.500 CHF
Zuschlag 2.400 CHF

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Order of Haft Peykar or of the Pleiades [Nishân-i-Haftpaykar - Order of the Seven Celestial Bodies]. Fist class set of insigna, manufacturing of Arthus Bertrand in Paris, consisting of: badge of the order, 900/000 silver gilt and enamels, ribbon ring with silver and manufacturer’s mark, without sash ribbon, and breast star, 900/000 silver gilt and enamels, with pin, this with silver and manufacturer’s mark of Arthus Bertrand, without sash ribbon.
Fast vorzüglich / About extremely fine. (2)
(~€ 1’400/USD 1’650)
The originally two-class (1st and 2nd class) order for female merit, with annexed three-class (1st, 2nd and 3rd class) medal, was established between 1951 and 1955, by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (1919-1980, reigned from 1941 until 1979), probably in connection with his 2nd marriage with Soraya Esfandiary-Bakhtiary (1932-2001). In 1967, a 3rd class was added. With the abdication of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1979, the order ceeded to exist as a state order. But it is still conferred as a dynastical order by Shabanu Farah Diba, Dowager Empress (born 1938).