SINCONA Auktion 67
- (2/2)Orden und Ehrenzeichen aus aller Welt (Deutschland, Europa, Übersee, Lose 4501-4599)
Los 4514

Startpreis | 100 CHF |
Zuschlag |
Dieses Los steht nicht mehr zum Verkauf.
Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta. Grand Cross set of insignia, manufacturing of A. Chobillon in Paris, consisting of: sash badge, bronze gilt and enamels, ribbon ring with manufacturer’s mark, without sash ribbon, and breast star, silvered, partly gilt, and enamels, with slight hairline cracks, with pin, this with manufacturer’s mark.
Gutes sehr schön / Good very fine. (2)
(~€ 95/USD 110)
• Dieses Los unterliegt bei Auslieferung in der Schweiz der Margenbesteuerung gemäss MWSTG 24a (22.5% Aufgeld inkl. Gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer)
• When delivered in Switzerland, this lot is subject to the margin taxation scheme in accordance with article 24a of the Federal Act on Value Added Tax (22.5% buyer’s premium incl. Statutory VAT).
These seem to be insignia of the „oecumenical“ order under the protection of the late King of Yougoslavia, Petar [Peter] II. Karaorevi (1923-1970, reigned from 1934/1941-1941/1943).
When delivered in Switzerland, this lot is subject to the margin taxation scheme in accordance with article 24a of the Federal Act on Value Added Tax (22.5% buyer’s premium incl. statutory VAT)