Katalog - SINCONA Auktion 86

SINCONA British Collection - Teil 5

Ergebnisse 61-80 von 354
von 18
Los 1561 1
Western Region Dobunni / Eisu, AD 20-43

Dobunni / Eisu, AD 20-43. Gold Stater 3.86 g. Eisu Tree Type. Tree symbol, pellet at base on plain field. Rv. Triple-tailed horse right, wheel below, EISV and hidden face above. ABC 2078. Spink 381. Van Arsdell 1105. Selten / Rare. Fast sehr schön / About very fine. Licht poröser Schrötling / Slightly porous flan.

From auction Spink 18004, London, March 2018, lot 266.
Found in Burnham, South Buckinghamshire, January 2018 (Recorded with the Portable Antiquities Scheme, ref. BERK-DD8020).

300 CHF
350 CHF

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Los 1562 1
Western Region East Wiltshire / Rulers unknown

East Wiltshire / Rulers unknown. Gold Stater 4.25 g. Savernake Forest Type. Plain field. Rv. Highly stylized horse right, large wheel below. ABC 2091. Spink 37. Van Arsdell 1526. Schön-sehr schön / Fine-very fine.

150 CHF
250 CHF

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Los 1563 1
South Western Region Durotriges / Rulers unknown

Durotriges / Rulers unknown. Bronze Unit 2.56 g. Hengistbury Multi Dots Type. Spike (large Y), seven pellets each side. Rv. Three row of pellets. ABC 2196. Spink 372. Van Arsdell 1348-1. Sehr schön / Very fine.

50 CHF
50 CHF

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Los 1564 1
North Thames Region Eastern / Rulers unknown

Eastern / Rulers unknown. Gold 1/4 Stater 1.28 g. Tring Wheel Type. Wreath design with hair bar and hidden face. Rv. Triple-tailed annulate horse right with roll-up beaded mane, wheel above, cogged sun below. ABC 2228. Spink -. Van Arsdell -. Sehr selten / Very rare. Gutes vorzüglich / Good extremely fine.

800 CHF
2’800 CHF

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Los 1565 1
North Thames Region Trinovantes / Rulers unknown

Trinovantes / Rulers unknown. Gold Stater 6.21 g. Clacton Type 2. Wreath motif, cloak and crude profile. Rv. Horse right, plain pellet below, curve(s) behind legs. ABC 2326. Spink 27 (Dieses Exemplar abgebildet / Plate coin). Van Arsdell -. Selten / Rare. Sehr schön / Very fine. Prägeschwäche / Weakly struck.

500 CHF
850 CHF

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Los 1566 1
North Thames Region Trinovantes / Rulers unknown

Trinovantes / Rulers unknown. Gold Stater 5.56 g. Late Whaddon Chase Anglian Type. Traces of crossed wreath. Rv. Horse right, beaded mane, wing motif with beaded tail above, pellet in ring of pellets and sun below. ABC 2344. Spink 33. Van Arsdell 1502. Selten / Rare. Sehr schön / Very fine. Gereinigt / Cleaned.

600 CHF
1’000 CHF

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Los 1567 1
North Thames Region Trinovantes / Rulers unknown

Trinovantes / Rulers unknown. Gold 1/4 Stater 1.36 g. Clacton de Jersey Type. Three men in a boat. Rv. Small horse right, pellet in arc from rump, numerous pellets around. ABC 2350. Spink 42. Van Arsdell -. Fast sehr schön / About very fine.

100 CHF
100 CHF

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Los 1568 1
North Thames Region Trinovantes / Rulers unknown

Trinovantes / Rulers unknown. Gold 1/4 Stater 1.22 g. Clacton de Jersey Type. Three men in a boat. Rv. Small horse right, pellet in arc from rump, numerous pellets around. ABC 2350. Spink 42. Van Arsdell -. Fast sehr schön / About very fine.

From auction Baldwin 100, London, September 2016, lot 53.

100 CHF
200 CHF

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Los 1569 1
North Thames Region Trinovantes / Dubnovellaunos, 5 BC-AD 10

Trinovantes / Dubnovellaunos, 5 BC-AD 10. Gold Stater 5.45 g. Dubnovellaunos Branch Type. Wreath, outline crescents back to back at centre, pellet in ring to each side. Rv. Horse left, branch below. DVBNOVI(?)LLA(...) above, pellet in ring above and pellet in front of the horse. ABC 2392. Spink 207. Van Arsdell 1650. Gutes sehr schön / Good very fine. Kleine Kratzer im Avers / Small scratches on obverse.

600 CHF
1’100 CHF

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Los 1570 1
North Thames Region Trinovantes / Dubnovellaunos, 5 BC-AD 10

Trinovantes / Dubnovellaunos, 5 BC-AD 10. Gold 1/4 Stater 1.30 g. Dubnovellaunos Trefoil Type. Wreath, plain crescents back to back at centre, pellet in ring to each side. Rv. Horse left, branch below. ABC 2395. Spink 208. Van Arsdell 1660. Sehr schön / Very fine. Revers etwas dezentriert / Reverse slightly off-centred.

From auction Spink 7010, London, March 2007, lot 350.

200 CHF
275 CHF

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Los 1571 1
North Thames Region Catuvellauni / Rulers unknown

Catuvellauni / Rulers unknown. Gold Stater 6.94 g. Ingoldisthorpe Crescents Type. Wreath motif, cloak and crescents. Rv. Sinuous horse right, pellets above linked to form stylised arms, pellet below horse. ABC 2421. Spink 20 B. Van Arsdell -. Selten / Rare. Sehr schön / Very fine. Kratzer im Avers / Scratches on obverse.

600 CHF
1’800 CHF

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Los 1572 1
North Thames Region Catuvellauni / Rulers unknown

Catuvellauni / Rulers unknown. Gold Stater 6.39 g. Westerham North Type. Wreath motif, cloak and crude profile. Rv. Disarticulated horse left, pellet sun below. ABC 2430. Spink 19. Van Arsdell 200. Sehr schön / Very fine. Gereinigt / Cleaned.

300 CHF
425 CHF

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Los 1573 1
North Thames Region Catuvellauni / Rulers unknown

Catuvellauni / Rulers unknown. Gold Stater 5.83 g. Early Whaddon Chase Type. Wreath, cloak and crescents, rounded wings motifs above wreath. Rv. Horse right, detached wing above, pellet sun below. ABC 2433. Spink 32. Van Arsdell 1476. Sehr schön / Very fine. Schrötlingsriss / Flan crack.

From auction Spink 20004, London, March 2020, lot 7.

400 CHF
650 CHF

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Los 1574 1
North Thames Region Catuvellauni / Rulers unknown

Catuvellauni / Rulers unknown. Gold Stater 5.71 g. Early Whaddon Chase Type. Wreath, cloak and crescents, rounded wings motifs above wreath. Rv. Horse right, detached wing above, pellet sun below. ABC 2433. Spink 32. Van Arsdell 1476. Sehr schön / Very fine.

400 CHF
550 CHF

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Los 1575 1
North Thames Region Trinovantes / Rulers unknown

Trinovantes / Rulers unknown. Gold 1/4 Stater 1.09 g. Harlow FlyerType. Wreath, upper part formed by bean-like motif, crossed by pellet line within plan lines, crescent below, two-winged motif above. Rv. Horse right, beaded mane, cogwheel sun below, back to back wing motifs above. ABC 2368. Spink -. Van Arsdell -. Fast vorzüglich / About extremely fine.

300 CHF
325 CHF

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Los 1576 1
North Thames Region Catuvellauni / Addedomaros, 45-25 BC

Catuvellauni / Addedomaros, 45-25 BC. Gold Stater 5.44 g. Addedomaros Floral Spiral Type. Two crescents back-to-back on plain field. Rv. Small horse right, spiral sun above, branch below. AÐÐEDOMAROS not readable. ABC 2511. Spink 202. Van Arsdell 1635. Selten / Rare. Sehr schön / Very fine.

From auction Baldwin 100, London, September 2016, lot 59.

600 CHF
1’100 CHF

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Los 1577 1
North Thames Region Catuvellauni / Addedomaros, 45-25 BC

Catuvellauni / Addedomaros, 45-25 BC. Gold Stater 5.58 g. Addedomaros Crescent Cross Type. Crossed wreaths, crescent cross type, crossed wreaths, back to back crescents at centre. Rv. Horse right, wheel below, AÐÐIID... inscription above. ABC 2514. Spink 200. Van Arsdell 1635. Selten / Rare. Sehr schön / Very fine.

From auction Spink 14006, London, September 2014, lot 25.

600 CHF
1’300 CHF

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Los 1578 1
North Thames Region Catuvellauni / Addedomaros, 45-25 BC

Catuvellauni / Addedomaros, 45-25 BC. Gold Stater 5.42 g. Addedomaros Spiral Type. Six-armed wreath spiral, three crescents at centre. Rv. Horse right, cornucopia below, three horse muzzles above. ABC 2517. Spink 201. Van Arsdell 1620. Sehr schön / Very fine. Gereinigt / Cleaned.

400 CHF
575 CHF

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Los 1579 1
North Thames Region Catuvellauni / Addedomaros, 45-25 BC

Catuvellauni / Addedomaros, 45-25 BC. Gold 1/4 Stater 1.24 g. Addedomaros X Box Type. Back-to-back crescents on plain field, pellets and lines within. Rv. Small horse right, box with X within, three-branch motif above. AÐÐEDOM... below. ABC 2520. Spink 205. Van Arsdell 1638. Sehr schön / Very fine.

From auction Spink 15049, London, December 2015, lot 312.

200 CHF
200 CHF

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Los 1580 1
North Thames Region Catuvellauni / Addedomaros, 45-25 BC

Catuvellauni / Addedomaros, 45-25 BC. Gold 1/4 Stater 1.36 g. Addedomaros Flower Type. Seven petals around pellet in ring, on plain field. Rv. Horse right, pellet in ring motifs above and below. ABC 2526. Spink 203. Van Arsdell 1608. Gutes sehr schön / Good very fine. Schrötlingsriss / Flan crack.

200 CHF
475 CHF

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Ergebnisse 61-80 von 354
Ergebnisse pro Seite:
von 18
SINCONA Auktion 86
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