Katalog - SINCONA Auktion 84

Russische Münzen und Medaillen

Ergebnisse 1-20 von 581
von 30
RUSSLAND Kaiserreich und Föderation
Los 1 1

Bronze medal 1696, 50.13 g. On the capture of Azov on July 18th. Dies by S. Yudin. Facing laureate and armored bust. Rv. View of the city and fortress of Azov bombarded from sea and shore by the Russian fleet. Probably struck in the 19th century. 50.7 mm. Diakov 5.2. Rare. Extremely fine. Tiny scratches.

Located on the Don River, not far from its mouth into the Sea of Azov, Azov had been in Ottoman possession since 1471. In July 1696, Tsar Peter conquered the strategically important city but had to return it to the Ottomans in 1711. In 1736, Azov was again conquered by the Russians and from 1739 it remained definitively part of the Russian Empire.

200 CHF
425 CHF

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Los 2 1 Video

Poltina 1702, Kadashevsky Mint. 13.77 g. Diakov 35 (R2). Bitkin 515 (R2). Extremely rare. 25 roubles according to Petrov. NGC AU Details. Surface slightly tooled.

From the Soedermann Collection, auction SINCONA 19, Zurich, October 2014, lot 4 (price realized: CHF 16,000).

6’800 CHF
11’000 CHF

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Los 3 1 Video

Polupoltinnik 1702, Kadashevsky Mint. 6.88 g. Diakov 46 (R2). Bitkin 706 (R2). Extremely rare. 50 roubles according to Petrov. NGC XF45.

From the Soedermann Collection, auction SINCONA 12, Zurich, October 2013, lot 5 (price realized: CHF 80,000).
With the expertise by the Society of Friends to the State Historical Museum, signed by I.V. Shiryakov.
According to the expertise the coin is "of great interest as numismatic monument".

35’000 CHF
nicht verkauft
Los 4 1

Bronze medal 1702, 110.83 g. On the capture of Schlüsselburg on October 12th. Dies by S. Yudin. Laureate and armored bust. Rv. View of the Schlüsselburg fortress bombarded by artillery. Date error in inscription: 21 instead of 12. 71.7 mm. Diakov 15.3. Extremely fine.

The siege of Nöteborg was one of the first sieges of the Great Northern War, when Russian forces captured the Swedish fortress of Nöteborg (later renamed Shlisselburg/Schlüsselburg) in October 1702. Peter the Great had assembled a force of 20,000 men for this task and marched for ten days to his destination. About 12,000 of these men were positioned on the banks of the Neva River, where they camped until 6 October. On that day, after giving command of the main force to Boris Sheremetev, he moved toward Nöteborg. After the Swedish commander, Wilhelm von Schlippenbach, refused to give up the fort immediately, the Russians began bombarding it. A final Russian assault on the fort was tactically unsuccessful, resulting in heavy casualties, but forced the fort's defenders to surrender on 22 October 1702. After taking control, Peter immediately began reconstructing the fort for his own purposes, renaming it Shlisselburg.

400 CHF
650 CHF

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Los 5 1

Grivennik 1704, Kadashevsky Mint, M. 2.83 g. Diakov 134 (R). Bitkin 746 (R). Very rare. 80 roubles according to Petrov. Fine. Gilded, traces of mounting, tooled.

From the Soedermann Collection, auction SINCONA 24, Zurich, October 2015, lot 14 (price realized: CHF 10,000).

3’000 CHF
3’000 CHF

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Los 6 1 Video

Rouble 1705, Kadashevsky Mint, MD. 27.98 g. Diakov 187 (R3). Bitkin 183 (R2). Extremely rare. 25 roubles according to Petrov. NGC XF Details. Obverse slightly tooled.

From the Soedermann Collection, auction SINCONA 19, Zurich, October 2014, lot 1204 (price realized: CHF 60,000).

With the expertise by "Russian Numismatic House Ltd", signed by V.Y.Gazanchidis.

This rouble belongs to the group of the rarest roubles of Peter I, the so-called "in a circle" type. This piece was struck on a broad (trial?) planchet. Its details surpass the other two known "in a circle"-roubles, one in the collections of Hermitage and the other one in the State Historical Museum in Moscow. The latter piece was struck on a smaller planchet practically without the circle-details.
This excessively rare rouble possibly represents a transitional type from the trial roubles minted in a ring abroad, allegedly in Nuremberg and the regular striking. Our specimen is struck with fresher dies than the two other known roubles. This fact, together with the broad planchet allows us to think with even more confidence about the possibility of being a pattern coin.

25’000 CHF
90’000 CHF

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Los 7

Dieses Los wurde zurückgezogen.

Los 8 1

Rouble 1705, Kadashevsky Mint, MD. 29.38 g. Diakov 181 (R2). Bitkin 176 (R). Dav. 1642. 6 roubles according to Petrov. About very fine. Graffiti on obverse.

2’000 CHF
nicht verkauft
Los 9 1

Polupoltina 1705, Kadashevsky Mint. 7.06 g. Diakov 208 (R1). Bitkin 722 (R1). Rare. 4.5 roubles according to Petrov. Good very fine. Nicely toned.

1’500 CHF
1’500 CHF

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Los 10 1 Video

Grivennik 1705, Kadashevsky Mint. 2.86 g. Diakov 214 (R4). Bitkin 759 (R4). Extremely rare. 75 roubles according to Petrov. NGC VF25. Nice toning.

From auction Künker 258, Osnabrück, January 2015, lot 822 (price realized: EUR 32,000).
From the Ernst and Otto Horn collection.

13’500 CHF
17’000 CHF

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Los 11 1

Beard token with counterstamp on reverse 1705, Kadashevsky Mint. 4.77 g. Rudenko B2. Bitkin Zh3893 (R2). Very rare. Extremely fine. Pierced.

500 CHF
1’100 CHF

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Los 12 1

Poltina 1707, Kadashevsky Mint. 13.63 g. Diakov 238 (R1). Bitkin 571 (R1). 5 roubles according to Petrov. Very fine. Flan flaw on reverse.

1’500 CHF
1’500 CHF

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Los 13 1

Denga 1707, Naberezhny Mint. 4.22 g. Diakov 2493. Bitkin 2645. Very fine.

100 CHF
120 CHF

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Los 14 1

Silver medal 1710, 53.38 g. On the conquest of Vyborg on June 12th. Dies by T. Iwanoff. Rv. Topographical plan of Vyborg with an eagle above, hunting a crane. 47.9 mm. Diakov 31.5 (R). Rare. Extremely fine. Nicely toned.

The siege of Viborg took place in the spring of 1710 during the Great Northern War (1700–1721), as a second attempt by the Russians to capture the fortress port of Viborg, near the modern border between Russia and Finland, after a failed attempt in 1706. After the outbreak of the war, Swedish forces had fortified themselves in the port of Viborg. In order to assure safety for the newly founded city of Saint Petersburg, Peter the Great ordered the Swedish fort to be secured. After the Russian success at the Battle of Poltava in June 1709, the men and resources were available to capture the town.

2’000 CHF
3’200 CHF

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Los 15 1

Silver medal 1710, 51.35 g. On the Conquest of Livland. Dies by T. Ivanov. Laureate and armored bust to right in a mantle. Rv. Hercules wearing a lion skin holds a globe. Probably struck in the 19th century. 47.1 mm. Diakov 38.6 (R1). Rare. Extremely fine. Nicely toned.

With the Capitulation of Estonia and Livonia in 1710 the Swedish dominions Estonia and Livonia were integrated into the Russian Empire following their conquest during the Great Northern War. The Livonian nobility and the city of Riga capitulated on 15 July 1710 , Pernau (Pärnu) in August, and the Estonian nobility and the city of Reval (Tallinn) on 10 October. Russia left the local institutions in place and confirmed the traditional privileges of the German nobles and burghers as was established in Privilegium Sigismundi Augusti, especially with respect to the Protestant faith. The land reform of the so-called reduction which had been introduced by the Swedish king Charles XI, and transformed many serfs to subjects of the Crown, was reversed.

2’000 CHF
3’000 CHF

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Los 16 1

Kopeck 17(11), Kadashevsky Mint, MD. 8.69 g. Diakov cf. 3259. Bitkin cf. 3395. Very rare variety. Extremely fine. Extraordinary condition.

200 CHF
275 CHF

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Los 17 1

Silver medal 1711, 28.81 g. On the marriage of Tsarevitch Alexey and Princess Charlotta of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel on October 25th. Unsigned. A man resting under a tree, five angels climbing a ladder to the clouds in the background. Rv. Inscription. 44.6 mm. Diakov 41.2 (R3). Rare. Very fine. Slightly tooled.

Charlotte Christine Sophie, third daughter of Duke Ludwig Rudolf and his wife Christine Louise of Oettingen. Born on August 28th, 1694. Married to Tsarevitch Alexey Petrovitch, son of Tsar Peter I. Died on November 1st, 1715, on the consequences of the abuse by her husband.

3’500 CHF
nicht verkauft
Los 18 1 Video

Poltina 1712/11, Red Mint. 14.03 g. 2 over 1 in date. Diakov 373 (R3). Bitkin 1004 (R1). Very rare. 10 roubles according to Petrov. NGC VF20. Minor flan flaw.

From the Soedermann Collection, auction SINCONA 19, Zurich, October 2014, lot 56 (price realized: CHF 26,000).

10’000 CHF
nicht verkauft
Los 19 1

Silver medal 1713, 49.91 g. On the Battle near Pelkine River. Dies by T. Ivanov. Laureate and armored bust to right in a mantle. Rv. Running soldier holding a spear and a shield. Next to him River God sitting to left. 48.1 mm. Diakov 45.5 (R1). Very rare in silver. Extremely fine. Nicely toned.

3’000 CHF
3’000 CHF

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Los 20 1

Silver medal 1714, 50.37 g. On the Naval Victory at Gangut on July 27th. Dies by T. Ivanov. Laureate and armored bust to right in a mantle. Rv. Victory holding a laurel wreath and a trident, view of naval battle on a background. 47.2 mm. Diakov 47.18 (R2). Good extremely fine. Nicely toned.

The Battle of Gangut took place on 27 July 1714 during the Great Northern War (1700–1721), in the waters of Riilahti Bay, north of the Hanko Peninsula, near the site of the modern-day city of Hanko, Finland, between the Swedish Navy and Imperial Russian Navy. It was the first important victory of the Russian fleet in its history. It is commemorated in Russia as one of the Days of Military Honour.

4’000 CHF
5’000 CHF

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Ergebnisse 1-20 von 581
Ergebnisse pro Seite:
von 30
SINCONA Auktion 84
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