
Münzen und Medaillen von Tunesien
The Miller Collection


Startpreis 120 CHF
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Reign of Muhammed al-Sadiq Bey (1276-1299ah / 1859-1882ce): One Nichan Iftikar decoration with
original ribbon, enameled, vf+, 33.09g, ex SBV 147:237 33.09 g.


On the reverse one reads (in Arabic) Dar as-Sekkr indicating that the decoration was, in fact, produced by the Tunis Mint. The date below reads 1291.
The Nichan Iftikhar (Order of Glory) was a Tunisian honorary order founded by Mustafa Ibn Mahmud, Bey of Tunis, in 1251ah (1835ce). The order was awarded until the constitutional role of the Bey was abolished in 1957ce. Its decoration could be awarded to people of French nationality, cities (e.g., Verdun), and other notable foreigners with some noteworthy connection to Tunisia. It was given by the Bey of Tunis on a proposal from the Chief Vizier for Tunisian subjects and, in all the other cases, on a proposal from the Resident General of France, who occupied de facto the post of Foreign Minister of Tunisia. Because each Bey put his personal monogram on the center of the decoration, it is possible to determine the approximate award date of each order.